
Establishment of a Research System for Computational Science

We are working on developing advanced computational science and technology infrastructure in collaboration with the Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS)—the organization established to operate the K computer—and also other strategic fields within the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research (SPIRE). Through maintaining close contact with many researchers and research and development personnel involved in Field 1 (SCLS), we are preparing a software and operating environment that will make it possible for those researchers to make effective use of the K computer and the rest of the HPCI environment. In addition, we are carrying out human resource development, creation of human networks, dissemination of research results, and interdisciplinary work together with our research and development groups.

High Performance Computing Development Group

(1) Management of computational resources

The group is working to operate and maintain computing environments required for the efficient use of computational resources offered by the High Performance Computing Infrastructure, with the K computer as a primary resource for a number of researchers (including members of health care and pharmaceutical industries), to realize the full potential of researchers in SCLS.

(2) K computer-use support in SCLS

Advanced skills and capabilities for parallel programming are required to use the K computer. Thus, the group is providing highly skilled technical staff, and offers technical workshops including parallel programming and usage of software, to best utilize computational resources, engaging in broad-ranging technological collaborations with the Advanced Institute for Computational Science, other fields in the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research and Next-Generation Integrated Simulation of Living Matter (ISLiM).

Planning and Coordination Group

(3) Human resource development

With the goals of “nurturing human resources able to make full use of the high-level computing science environment,” and “establishing leading centers of cutting-edge computing research and education,” the group is carrying out training programs, in collaboration with universities and other research institutions, targeting students, graduate students, and working professionals. The training programs are offered in the form of lectures at universities or other research institutions, and a framework is being created that will carry the program into the future. In order to provide young people with an understanding of the critical importance of an advanced computing environment to research in the life sciences, the group is offering lectures on computational life sciences to high school students and other young people. It also provides support for lectures given to students and graduate students majoring in life sciences at universities and other educational institutions throughout Japan. In so doing, the group encourages our youth to understand the field and the potential of computational life sciences.

(4) Establishment of human networks (organization of workshops and seminars)

In order to foster deeper understanding of the importance of computational life sciences based on an HPCI environment to the life science community at large (including researchers in fields such as molecular biology, cell biology, biophysics, pharmacology, medical engineering, and bioinformatics), the group organizes symposiums and makes poster presentations at various academic conferences, both in Japan and abroad.
Symposiums and seminars on computational biology are held when possible, in collaboration with researchers around Japan.
Through them, the group is reaching out to researchers and technicians from around the country, with the aim of identifying potential users, to ensure that the best possible use is made of the HPCI resources.

(5) Dissemination of research outcomes

With the aim of increasing understanding of the R&D results obtained in SCLS, among researchers of all nationalities, the group is disseminating information through the web site and mailing list. It also publishes brochures and newsletters to introduce its activities to researchers as well as the general public.

S-cruise Software in this website aims to promote the software developed with K computer in Next-Generation Integrated Simulation of Living Matter (ISLiM) and the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research Field 1 “Supercomputational Life Science” (SCLS).
Symposiums and other events are held to publicize the research outcomes for pharmaceutical researchers, technicians, and medical professionals. Plans are in place, for the third year of the program, to put the research outcomes into use through collaborations with pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions.

(6) Interdisciplinary projects
      (collaborations with researchers in computational science and AICS, etc.)

In order to train people who can make effective use of the high-level computer science and technology environment, the group is working in cooperation with AICS and other institutes to conduct symposiums on parallel programming and effective use of software.
In cooperation with other fields and with AICS, the group organizes symposiums for the exchange of technical information. In anticipation of the third year of the program, there are plans to intensify collaborative research that goes beyond disciplinary boundaries.

Accomplishment Report


Establishment of the Research System for Computational Science

Research and Development
