
SCLS supercomputer system

SCLS supercomputer system operation closed.

We provide information on the K computer-compatible supercomputer system (SCLS supercomputer system). In order to train people who can make effective use of the high-level computer science and technology environment, we are working to conduct seminars on parallel programming and effective use of software.

Applying to use the SCLS supercomputer system

We began to accept applications from the public to utilize the SCLS supercomputer system. Details are available here (Japanese version only).

SCLS Workshops (Japanese version only)

Textbook (Japanese version only)

Installation of a K computer-compatible supercomputer system

Within Field One of the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research, We installed a program-owned K computer-compatible supercomputer system for the purposes of offering computational resources: (1) as a preliminary step before utilizing the massively parallel software on the K computer; and (2) as a preliminary step for practical use of research using programs developed for the K computer. We hope that this will encourage researchers in life science and drug discovery/medical companies to make active use of K computer and the HPCI environment. We also aim to establish a human network in computational life science community for the dissemination of research outcomes. (June 25, 2012)
