- 2014/10/03
- Mediarelease
Open House Day at RIKEN AICS (October 25, 2014 Kobe)
- 2014/10/03
- Mediarelease
“BioSupercomputing Newsletter” Vol.11 was published.
- 2014/10/03
- Event
Techno-Ocean 2014 (October 4, 2014 Kobe) Session “Simulating the Human Body using the K computer, now and the future”
- 2014/09/25
- Event
Bio Japan 2014 -World Business Forum-(October 15-17,2014) Presentation at RIKEN booth
- 2014/03/31
- Event
Our website was redesigned!
- 2014/03/31
- Event
Open House Day at The RIKEN WAKO Campus
(Apr. 19, 2014 )
- 2014/03/29
- Mediarelease
「NHK Special」(NHK 9:00-9:49 March 29,Rebroadcast April 2, Cast: Shu Takagi, GL School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)(Japanese version only)
- 2014/03/25
- Seminar, Symposium
ISLiM Workshop for cppmd(Japanese version only)
- 2014/03/23
- Event
「The 3rd Kagaku no Koshien 」(March 21-23,2014)(Japanese version only)
- 2014/03/20
- Education
「5th International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences」(June 1-6, 2014)