- 2015/07/09
- Mediarelease
Multi-scale Multi-physics Heart Simulator UT-Heart was featured on IFL science website.
- 2015/07/01
- Mediarelease
Multi-scale Multi-physics Heart Simulator UT-Heart was featured on Fast Company website.
- 2015/07/01
- Mediarelease
Multi-scale Multi-physics Heart Simulator UT-Heart was featured on Smithsonian website.
- 2015/06/09
- Mediarelease
【Further news on UT-Heart】Won a BEST VISUALIZATION OR SIMULATION Award for SIGGRAPH 2015.
- 2015/06/01
- Mediarelease
Multi-scale Multi-physics Heart Simulator UT-Heart has been accepted for the Computer Animation Festival, Siggraph 2015 and will be screened at this year’s Siggraph in Los Angeles.
- 2015/05/13
- Mediarelease
Related research papers of the software GENESIS is updated.
- 2015/05/07
- Mediarelease
- Multi-scale Multi-physics Heart Simulator UT-Heart was featured on POPULAR SCIENCE Website.
- 2015/04/30
- Education
2015 RIKEN AICS HPC Computational Science Internship Program: RIKEN AICS has launched an internship program targeting graduate students residing in Japan.
- 2015/04/14
- Mediarelease
A video of “Interaction between antigen and antibody” is published on Theme 2 and Movie Gallery webpages.
- 2015/04/08
- Event
SCLS puts up a display booth at Open House Day at RIKEN Wako Campus (April 18, 2015 Wako) and SPring-8 Center (April 26, 2015 Harima)(Japanese version only)